Social media post design 101: templates, software, ideas and career

Social media post design 101: templates, software, ideas and career

Social media post design, templates, and software can help you save time.

If you are amused by social media marketing and the new era of content creation, then

Here we have created social media post design guides for your use

when posting your content on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Or perhaps you're looking for a more advanced platform for creating posts? 

of need more info about social media design softwaredesign coursesgraphic design skills required, and how to start a career in graphic design.

So let's start!

What are the different social media platforms?

The following are the most popular social media platforms:

  • Facebook

  • Twitter

  • Instagram

  • Pinterest

  • LinkedIn, and

  • YouTube.

Types of social media Posts

Every social media platform has its way of communicating with your followers, and there's no better time than now to learn what they are.

  • Images: If you have an image that needs to be shared, use it! The best images are eye-catching and tell a story in one glance. 

Keep it simple; don't try anything too elaborate or else it will just look like a mess when users scroll through their feeds.

It's also super important to use high-quality images for any branding purposes so make sure

they're crisp and clear enough for people to see them clearly at first glance (mainly if they're being used as profile photos).

  • Videos: Videos are another great way to get people interested in whatever message you're trying to send across

because they can add some personality into posts while still being short enough not to feel overwhelming

or distracting from other content on the page

plus that extra wow factor makes everything seem more interesting!

How to get creative ideas for social media content?

If you're looking to get creative ideas for social media content, here are a few ways to do it:

  • Brainstorm with your team. If you have a large team and/or multiple social media accounts, brainstorming can be a great way to come up with lots of different ideas.

Plus, it helps if everyone involved in the brainstorming session has a unique perspective on the subject matter at hand.

  • Check Google image search results for inspiration. Google image search is an excellent way of finding visually appealing images (or memes) that relate to your topic or campaign theme. Take some time browsing through these results and see what inspires you!

  • Look at other people's posts on social media! Social media platforms like Facebook often give users options for how they want their news feed displayed

and one of those options is showing posts from specific friends or pages that the user follows or likes most recently (based on interactions). 

This can help provide insight into what kinds of content perform well on certain platforms

and it could provide some inspiration for new ideas!

  • Keep track of all the ideas you come up with over time; there's no sense in forgetting them after just one use!

It may also help if there's someone else who writes down all these notes so they don't get lost under piles of paper during meetings 

while everyone talks excitedly about new things happening soon

List of Software for creating social media design

If you want to design your own social media posts, there are a few options for the software. These range from free and fully-featured programs like Photoshop, to apps that offer basic design templates for free or a monthly fee. Some of the most popular options include:

  • Adobe Photoshop

  • Canva

  • Pixlr

  • Vectr

  • Adobe Spark Post

I recommend trying out a few different platforms and see what works best for your needs. There’s no right answer here—it’s all personal preference!

Standard post size for social media

Now that you know the basics of social media post design and have a better idea of what kind of content will work best for your audience,

let's talk about what size each platform recommends for its posts.

  • Facebook:

Recommended size: 1200 x 630 pixels

  • Twitter:

Twitter image sizes for profile photos: 400 x 400

Minimum image size: 200 by 200 pixels

Twitter header photo size: 1500 x 500 pixels

  • LinkedIn:

400 x 400 pixels (4:5 aspect ratio)

LinkedIn image sizes for profile cover photos: 1584 x 396 pixels

  • Pinterest: 

1000 x 1500 pixels

A career in social media post designing

So, now that I've given you an overview of the field, you might be wondering:

How do I get started in a career in Social media design?

If you're looking to get into social media post design as a career or side gig, there are plenty of places where you can start.

Get certification in graphic design.

If you don't have any experience in either industry, this may seem like an intimidating option.

However, there are plenty of online and campus-based programs out there 

that will teach you relevant skills (and also give your resume some much-needed color).

You can enroll in a graphic designing certification course

Learn some basic software tools

These include Photoshop and Illustrator for graphics and InDesign for layout work

all three are standard packages used by professionals in many industries today

and are widely available on both Macs and PCs with no subscription fees required beyond buying the software itself.

There are even free alternatives out there if these programs aren't within reach!

Social media is a great way for marketing and design, but you should use certain software and templates.

Social media is a great way for marketing and design, but you should use certain software and templates.

  • Use the right software for creating social media images. Software such as Photoshop or Illustrator can help you create beautiful images for your blog or website. 

You must know the standard sizes for different social networks so that you don't end up with a post that doesn't fit inside its designated space!

  • Create your templates!

You might find it helpful to create some basic templates of your own 

so that you don't waste time trying to figure out dimensions and dimensions when working on new posts. 

If these are just Google Slides like ours will be then it's easy enough to share them with friends who work at agencies too."

Kshitij Vivan's Graphic Design Course for social media design

If you are looking out for a graphic design course for social media, 

then Kshitij Vivan's Graphic Design Course for social media design is the best option that you can take. 

This course is specially designed to help beginners who want to learn graphic design. 

You will learn all the basic concepts of designing

and also get an overview of what tools are required to start your career as a graphic designer.

We provide detailed instructions on how each tool works

and also give information about its usage in various industries

like web development, advertisement, etc.


If you want to learn more about social media, we have a free 2 days graphic design course that will teach you everything you need to know.

The best part is that it’s free!

So take advantage of this opportunity today and learn how easy it can be when designing for social media platforms.


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