How to start a graphic designing internship in Ahmedabad

How to start a graphic designing internship in Ahmedabad

Graphic design is a fun and challenging field. It allows you to express yourself through images, text, and even video. While there's no specific multimedia & graphic education requirement for graphic designers, it's important to have solid artistic skills and a good eye for color and composition. 

If this sounds like you, and if you're up for some hard work, then consider getting an internship! 

An internship in graphic design will give you real-world experience while helping build your graphic design portfolio

However, finding an internship can be tricky because there are so many options out there. 

In this blog post, we'll talk about what makes a good graphic design internship opportunity (and what doesn't), how to start one with confidence, and why it's so beneficial for students looking to enter the workforce as professionals in this field:

What is a graphic designing internship?

A graphic design internship is the best way to gain experience and learn about the industry. 

It allows you to learn about the tools and techniques used in graphic design and how it relates to other parts of communication such as art direction, branding, and marketing. 

Internships also help build a network which can lead to future job opportunities in the industry.

Benefits of doing a graphic designing internship

One of the main benefits of doing a graphic design internship is that it provides real-world experience. 

You will be able to get your hands dirty and apply all the theoretical knowledge you have been learning in classes.

Another benefit is that it will help you build a portfolio, which can prove to be very beneficial for your future career.

Graphic Design Internships also allow students to learn new skills, so they can grow as professionals and develop their potential further.

In addition to this, Graphic Design Internships allow students to network with professionals from different fields such as marketing or advertising who work within the same industry as designers do.

How to start a graphic designing internship in Ahmedabad

Find out about the company and its culture. The first step of getting an internship is figuring out who you want to intern for and what kind of position you’re looking for. You can find this information by doing some research on the company, but it's also important to get information directly from them. 

Here are some ways to go about this:

  • If you have contacts at the company, ask them if they can put in a good word for you or give advice on how best to approach their hiring manager.
  • Figure out what type of work they do and if it's a good fit with your skill set (or if it will be something that will help round out your portfolio).
  • Research other employees' social media accounts so that when you do finally meet them face-to-face, there won't be any awkwardness.

How to find a graphic designing internship in Ahmedabad

  • Use social media to find opportunities
  • Search for graphic design internships on websites like LinkedIn, Indeed, and Monster. 

Go to Indeed and make a profile, and search Graphic design intern job and give a location and search.

You will get many opportunities there available.

  • Also, use the job search function on your school's website. If you are still in high school or university, check out what your career center has to offer. They might help you get connected with some local businesses that could use an extra pair of hands during a busy season or event.
  • Ask friends, family, and teachers for recommendations. They may know someone who is hiring right now! 
  • You can also try posting on Facebook groups like "Ahmedabad Graphic Designers" or "Graphic Design Jobs".
  • Use a job board such as Indeed or Monster

You can also find internship jobs in Ahmedabad on LinkedIn.

What is your role during an internship?

You will be working on real projects, so your responsibilities will be similar to what you would have as a full-time graphic designer. 

You will work with your team (the people who are already there) and have to meet deadlines, work with clients, and learn how to use the different graphic design software packages that exist in the office environment.

In addition, you will also need to manage your time effectively because it's likely that there will be more than one project going on at a time.

How should you approach an internship opportunity?

It’s time to start researching potential internship opportunities. You should go online and look at the company’s website, social media accounts, and any blog posts they have written about their work. 

This will give you an idea of what type of design they do, if it is similar to what you want to do, and whether or not your skills are a good fit for the company.

You can also find out more about past interns by searching through LinkedIn or by asking on Facebook groups related to graphic design in your city. 

This can give you insight into how much work they had to do as an intern and how long it lasted for them. 

Once you have done this research, then it is time for some cold calling!

When contacting companies via email make sure that you include all relevant information such as where they can find some examples of your work and why they should hire someone like yourself rather than someone else (maybe mention something specific). 

Be professional but friendly - show them what skillset/experience makes YOU stand out from everyone else!

How graphic designing internship help students?

If you are looking to gain real-world experience and build your portfolio of work, then a graphic design internship is an excellent way to do so. A graphic designer may even get a salary during the internship period.

An internship will allow you to see what it's like in the industry and give you insight into what skills employers are looking for. Internships will also help students learn about the industry, which can help them decide if graphic design is right for them or not.


I hope you now have a better understanding of what it takes to get your first graphic design internship. 

You will find that there are many opportunities out there, but only if you are willing to work hard and share your ideas with other people. 

If you follow these tips and use them in your quest for an internship, then I’m sure it won’t be long before you land one! If you are willing to get graphic design training then we have a good opportunity for you. Enroll in a 2-day graphic design course and get a certificate at the end of the course.

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