career in photoshop

Which career can you work at with Adobe Photoshop in Ahmedabad?

A career in graphic design is not just about creating logos, brochures, and flyers. 

It is a highly specialized field that requires you to be well-rounded in your communication skills

and visual arts knowledge. 

You need to have an eye for aesthetics and the ability to convey a message effectively through your designs. 

To become a graphic designer, you should know the basics of Adobe Photoshop 

as this will be your primary tool for creating graphics for websites, magazines, newspapers, etc. 

The other software can be used in InDesign (for desktop publishing work) or Illustrator (for vector drawing). 

If you are interested in pursuing this career option then we would recommend enrolling you in a course on Adobe Photoshop

Here are career scopes you can work at

Graphic designer

Graphic design is an art and a science that combines text, images, and other graphic elements to create a visual representation of ideas and messages. It can be used to communicate both information and emotional feelings. 

Graphic designers are the people who use their creativity to enhance communication 

with the use of graphics in various forms such as print media, packaging, websites, and other electronic media.

Graphic designers may also specialize in specific areas such as logo development or web design. 

They can also choose to focus on one area of specialization such as corporate identity (CI) 

or corporate branding by creating logos for companies and organizations

Video Editor

A video editor is a person who takes a video and edits it.

  • He/she adds music, sound effects, and other things to make the video interesting.
  • He/she can change the speed of the video to make it look like it's in slow motion or fast forward.
  • He/she cuts out parts of videos that are not needed so it looks better for viewers.
  • It could be anything from a short clip to an entire movie!

The skills you need to become a Video Editor:

  • Creativity – You'll need this if you want your videos to stand out from others on YouTube or Vimeo! It can also help when coming up with ideas for new projects too!
  • Attention To Detail – This skill is essential since when editing videos there will be lots going on at once (elements such as audio tracks, visual effects, etc.) so being able 
  • Patience - This may seem obvious but can often get overlooked when people think about what they would like their job role which isn't always easy especially if they're starting out 

Photo Editor

The person who works with images and edits them is called a photo editor. They work in magazines, newspapers, advertising agencies, and multimedia companies. 

They are responsible for the look and feel of the magazine, newspaper, or any other media.

Web designer

If you have a knack for graphic design and layout, then becoming a web designer is an obvious choice. Web design is one of the more lucrative careers that can be realized with Adobe Photoshop alone.

Web designers use Adobe Photoshop not only to create web pages but also to test them before they are released to the public. They must be good at HTML coding, Flash programming, animation, and other forms of multimedia production to excel at their job.

Digital artist

Digital artists are employed by companies in the entertainment industry. They create artwork for video games, movies, and television. 

Digital artists also work on advertising campaigns

and use a variety of software including Adobe Photoshop.

Digital artists are expected to have a good understanding of human anatomy. 

As part of their training, they study real-life models to get a better understanding of

how the body works and how it should look when depicted in the artwork.

Social Media Stretegist

A social media strategist is a person who uses social media to create a brand and reach out to the target audience. 

A social media strategist is responsible for developing and 

implementing all kinds of marketing strategies associated with social networking websites 

such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.

Social media strategists play an important role in building the company's web presence. 

They are responsible for creating marketing campaigns that can help generate leads

or increase sales by promoting products or services through various channels 

like blogs, email newsletters, and podcasts.

UI designer

If you want to pursue a career as a UI designer, 

you'll need to know Adobe Photoshop like the back of your hand. UI designers create the visual layout 

and interactive elements for websites, apps, and other digital products. 

This includes everything from buttons to forms to animations that help users navigate through a website or app. 

A UI designer's job is to make sure that the user experience is as seamless as possible by making sure their designs are easy to use and attractive. 

If you're interested in this career path, 

then having Adobe Photoshop skills will help give you an edge when applying for jobs

or even if you're looking for freelance work on sites like Upwork!

These are the career options you can take up post learning Adobe Photoshop in Ahmedabad.

After learning Adobe Photoshop in Ahmedabad, 

you can be a graphic designer, photojournalist, fashion photographer,

architectural photographer, photo editor, and web designer. 

Digital animators in Ahmedabad also use Adobe Photoshop for their work. 

A large number of video production houses in Ahmedabad are looking for people 

who have a good knowledge of Adobe Photoshop so that they can work with them to create animations and graphics.

salary expectations

Graphic designers: Rs.10,000 - 70,000 per month

and 19000 average graphic design salary in Ahmedabad according to Indeed.

Web designers: Rs.10,000 - 60,000 per month.

In case you are still not sure about your career choice then 

we have given below some more information about careers related to Adobe Photoshop in Ahmedabad for your reference

skills to master Photoshop

You can master the following skills in Adobe Photoshop:

  • Color correction. This refers to adjusting lightness, contrast, and color balance in an image. It’s a great skill for an entry-level job in photography because anyone who uses Photoshop knows this is one of the most basic things you can do with it.
  • Image manipulation. Manipulating images involves making changes like cropping, rotating, resizing, or distorting them. If you want a career as a designer or illustrator then image manipulation should be a strong part of your toolkit.
  • Image editing. Editing involves making corrections using tools such as brushes and filters to change exposure levels or improve contrast on photos without changing the integrity of their resolution (size). 
  • For example: if you have taken a photo but want it brighter/darker then you would use an editing feature called brightness/contrast in Photoshop which will make these changes automatically without affecting resolution size so that it looks better when printed out afterward

These are the career options you can take up post learning Adobe Photoshop in Ahmedabad.

After learning Adobe Photoshop in Ahmedabad, there are several options for you to choose from. They range from a graphic designer, photojournalist, or even a fashion photographer. Some of the other careers that one can take up include architectural photography and photo editing. 

You may also be interested in becoming a web designer or digital artist if you like to make things on computers and computers are your thing!

If animation is something that interests you then there are many career options available as well. 

You can become an animator who creates animations for television programs or even video games! 

There are also many opportunities for film production houses to 

hire people with these skills so the possibilities are endless!


So, if you’re looking for a career that is in line with your passion for photography and Photoshop, then this is the best option for you. There are many job opportunities out there waiting to be explored. So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and start learning Adobe Photoshop now!

Animation, VFX, Graphic Design, Web Design, Gaming, Institute, Courses, Ahmedabad, Career Courses, Arena Animation, Job Ready Courses, Designing Courses, Designing Institute, after 12th course, multimedia courses.