Title animation is the method by which films or television programs present their title, key production and cast members, utilizing conceptual visuals and sound. It may consist of live action, animation, music, still images and graphics. It plays a central role in establishing the show’s identity. It can take a variety of forms, incorporating different elements. Title animation at some point badge the show with a typographic logo. It gives the hint what is about to start, whether it’s a movie, TV show, or web animation. Animation and Motion Graphics are pieces of digital footage which create an illusion of motion and are usually combined audio for use in multimedia projects.
Motion graphics are pieces of digital footage or animation which create an illusion of motion or rotation and are usually combined with audio for use in multimedia projects. It combines the languages of film, animation and graphic design. Combining different creative elements like typography, illustration, logos, shapes and video. They are then animated or moved in a way that tells a story. Examples of motion graphics abound online and in real life from the credits in Hollywood motion pictures to the keynote address.
KSHITIJ VIVAN encourages students to make creative Animation. A student from different parts of the cities such as Patan and Kheda joins KSHITIJ VIVAN Animation Courses to learn various Animation Courses.