Difference between Material and Texture

Difference between Material and Texture

There are a few fundamental distinctions between materials and textures. For example, you cannot apply a texture to a static mesh or BSP geometry. Textures have to be a part of the material. The material is what you would use to texture the environment and apply to Static Meshes.

In material, you can adjust reflection and refraction. The texture is the one property of the material to give the feel of the surface.

A texture is an image. Straight out of paint, gimp, Photoshop, etc. The material is the details of what an object should look like. Most materials take textures as a parameter. There are many cases where a material takes multiple textures. For example, one texture might define color, another transparency, another normal, and so forth. Here is the difference between a Material and Texture.

Difference Between Material and Texture


  • Textures and MaterialsThe Material is the skin that covers the model there’s a set of properties associated with each material changing these properties produces a different material.

  • Materials are made up of various textures combined in Material.

  • Materials include various textures and material expressions that create a network of nodes.

  • The final result is a material you can use to apply to your geometry and Static Meshes.


  • Material and TextureThe texture is the image or the picture that will be applied to one property of the Material like (diffusion “color”, opacity, bump, reflection, etc.)

  • The texture is a single file a 2d static image. It is usually a diffuse, specular, or normal map file that you would create in Photoshop as a TGA, tiff, BMP, or png file.

  • These can be manipulated photographs, hand-painted textures, or textures baked in an application such as xNormals.

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