virtual reality

Career Options in Virtual Reality

What is Virtual Reality?

Virtual reality (VR) is an interactive computer-generated experience taking place in a simulated environment. It mainly auditory and visual feedback, but may also allow other types of sensory feedback. This immersive environment may be like the real world, or it may be fantastical.

Uses of Virtual Reality

One of the most obvious uses of Virtual Reality (VR) is in the media and entertainment industry – for entertainment. However, there are numerous other fields where Virtual Reality is being used. Some of the Virtual reality use is in military simulations, scientific research, airline pilot training, helping autistic children to develop social skills.

Career Options in Virtual Reality

A lot of youngsters and experienced profession also looking to expand their skill set are now considering the VAR course. Coupled with artificial intelligence and human behavior, the Virtual and Augmented reality (VAR) create illusions of anything one could imagine.

These fields are in their growing stage and with the scope of possibilities these technologies provide, they are certain to grow more extensive than their own imaginations.

There is lots of growth and job opportunities in the VAR field. For the ones who are considering what career options they could opt for after completing a course in VAR in KSHITIJ VIVAN  Ahmedabad Academy, here are our top picks:

Career Opportunity in Virtual Reality Industry

1. VR Game Engineer

Highly skilled at designing, projecting and viewing complex creative visuals in 3D VR Game Engineers are professional in modelling tools. They design interactive content such as videos, games, apps among many other things. They also teat out prototypes of models in 3D before delivering the final product in the market.

2. VR Sound Effects Specialist

These professionals create original audio appropriate for Virtual Reality games and apps. They are experts in emulating a real-time surrounding and adding on to the visual feel of the interface. It is a highly desired position which requires an in-depth field of creativity and knowledge.

3. Mixed Reality Artist

A mixed reality artist builds and designs technology that makes the interface between computers and humans far more interactive. They are responsible for nearly all features of virtual reality and 3D design. They are experts in optimizing software and hardware used to create the actual VAR experience.

4. Rigger

A rigger creates a reproduction of a real-life environment by creating the right setups for spontaneous virtual and augmented reality movies and games. They automate animation tasks, structure replicating rigs, capture and replicate facial and body motions in graphics and improve all the efficiency of a VR content or app.

5. Unity Developers

Unity is a fantastic development engine which supports multi-platform development and deployment of both 2D and 3D games, interactive content and videos. Unity developers create a foundation for VAR content and are skilled in customizing core game engine system and 3D graphics, DirectX, SDX and OpenGL.

For students who are interested to learn more on Virtual Reality and would like to experience and practice on a more professional level, please sign up today for our Augmented and Virtual Reality.

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