The contour tools in Adobe Illustrator to create web icons deftly merge vector patterns and create significant symbols for your digital design project. Here are the six basic steps to create web icons in Adobe Illustrator, which are as follows:
Start Illustrator and click the Create new button, or press Control+N or Command+N. Choose the Web tab and start a size on the right; then typed 400 px for width and height. It’s helpful to serve in a square format when creating icon designs.
Elect the rectangle tool from the tools panel. Click and drag a rectangle on the art-board. Draw a second, smaller box overlapping the top of the larger rectangle. Use Smart Guides to arrange the squares, so their centers are aligned. Drag the centre widget of the smaller rectangle over the larger one until you see a vertical magenta guide. Click and hold the rectangle tool to locate other patterns and select the ellipse tool. Including the ellipse tool selected, press Alt and drag a circle drawn from the center. KSHITIJ VIVAN Animation Academy encourages students to make creative animation. From Different Cities like Gujarat, Rajasthan, ahmedabad, dhari, modhera
In this step, you’ll merge the rectangle shapes. Click on V for the selection tool. Click the large rectangle; then press the shift button and click the small square to choose both. Pick the shape maker tool and draw a line joining both rectangles.
Now, apply a fill color, and multiple strokes connect to the shapes. Press V to change to the selection tool. With the camera frame chosen, click the fill color sample below display in the properties panel. Choose the swatches option on the right and click on a color in the Swatches panel. Repeat for the flash circle apply white plenty and with no stroke.
You can turn the shape edges to generate a distinctive look. Choose the camera body. Press A to shift to the direct selection tool, and pull a rounded curve widget to turn all the edges at once.
Choose File > Save. Give your design a unique name and save it in the Adobe Illustrator format. You can update this file in Illustrator anytime. To save a final design that’s set to post online, choose File > Export > Export for Screens. Choose a location and select the PNG format.
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