depth space

5 Ways to Create the Illusion of Depth and Space

Create the Illusion of Depth and Space

In painting, there are many different ways to create the illusion of depth and space, whether the painting is abstract or representational. If you are a representational painter for them, it is important to translate what you see in 3D onto a 2D surface and to evoke the sense of depth and space convincingly. And If you are an abstract painter then learning how to create various spatial effects can make your painting skill stronger and more interesting.

5 Ways to Create the Illusion of Depth and Space


1. Layering and Overlapping

In composition when another object partially hides one object, it gives the effect of overlapping objects and creates the illusion of three-dimensionality and space.

Example: In Giorgio Morandi's deceivingly simple still-life paintings, shallow space and depth are conveyed by the overlapping bottles, allowing the watcher to perceive different rows. In landscape painting, layering the planes of the foreground, middle ground and background lend to the illusion of space.

2. Atmospheric

Atmospheric perspective shows the layer effect of atmosphere between the distant subject and the watcher and the distant subject. For example, Mountains, become farther away, they tend to become lighter in value, less detailed and blur in hue as they take on the color of the atmosphere. Also, you can see this effect on a foggy day. Things that are closer to you are brighter, cleaner and sharper those things are lighter in value and less distinct.

3. Size

An object appears further or closer depending on the size of the painting. Those object that smaller appears to be farther away and those that are larger appear to be closer.

Example: In foreshortening, an orange held in an outstretched hand that is coming toward the watcher will seem very large relatives to the head of the person holding the orange, even though we know that in real life, the apple is smaller than the head.

4. Detail and Texture

Things with more detail and visible texture appear closer and the things with less detail look farther away. It is right in terms of paint application.

Thick, textural paint looks closer to the watcher than paint that is applied smoothly or thinly.

5. Color

There are three main characteristics in colors: Hue, Saturation and Value.

He refers to the color itself.

In painting, given the same value and saturation colors that are warmer in a hue tend to come forward and those that are cooler tend to recede. Also, colors that are more saturated come forward, while those that are less saturated tend to sit back in a painting. Value is how light or dark a color is and it is essential in creating the effect of representational space.

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